Release Notes for the Brewer's Friend brewing software.
Recipe Builder Web - Roll out a fix for water chemistry where various forms of salt, sodium chloride, were not being recognized.
Recipe Builder Web - Fix bug that allows water calc record and associated recipe to have different
Source Water
Mobile App - Release of Android and iOS mobile apps.
Forum - Updated to new version of forum software improving speed, security, and useability.
Efficiency Calculator - Text description corrections for efficiency calculation for the conversion efficiency to match the brewsession efficiency and documentation.
Devices and API - New API support and documentation for Floaty DIY Hydrometer
Subscriptions - Support for Apple Pay and Google Pay in subscription payments.
My Recipes - Fix issue where moving group recipes into a user's personal (Default) folder created duplicate folders.
My Recipes - Fixed an issue where custom fermentables did not have their diastatic power or brand names copied to the new recipe.
Recipe Builder - Added initial mash tun volume to quick water requirements output in recipes
Recipe Builder - Update recipes when copying to properly maintain water calculations based on the original recipe.
My Brew Sessions - Allow for up to 5 decimal places of precision for amounts used in inventory deduction calculations.
Equipment profile - Update to the text description for cooling shrinkage in the equipment profile page.
Brew Event Readings - Improved how readings are stored and retrieved for more accurate brew event reporting over time.
Google Signup - Added ability to signup and login to the site through Google.
My Recipes - Added initial mash tun volume to quick water requirements output in recipes.
My Recipes - Fix problem with initial mash thickness value/label not showing correct measurement units.
My Recipes - Add start temp to printable recipe format.
My Recipes - Add starting grain temp to printable, text and html export formats.
My Recipes - Add water requirement output to both text and html export formats.
My Recipes - Update print version of recipe to always display quick water requirement units that match the recipe.
Calculators - Added links for quick navigation between related calculators for brix, ABV and hydrometer temp adjustment.
My Brewing Report - Update report to include all group-related recipes for the current user, not just those that the current user has created.
My Equipment Profiles - Added the Unibrau 10G all in one system to the dropdown of equipment profiles.
Brew Sessions - Improved the algorithm for inventory deductions when creating a new brew session.
My Brewing Report - Add brew sessions for all groups that the current user is connected to (with appropriate permissions)
My Brewing Report - Add a dropdown field for filtering brew sessions by group
Brew Sessions - Increased the size of correction fields when using
Refractometer (BrixWRI)
when creating/editing "Sample" brew log entriesMy Inventory - Added a "Add to Shopping List" button to inventory items allowing for quick addition to shopping lists
My Inventory - Fixed a bug that would force the page to view the "Fermentables" category any time that a save/edit action was taken. The page now loads the category that matches the most recent action.
My Inventory | My Shopping List - Fixed a bug that would keep updates to inventory brands from being seen by users
My Shopping - Fixed a bug that would force the page to view the "Fermentables" category any time that a save/edit action was taken. The page now loads the category that matches the most recent action.
Recipe Builder - Added an "Acid Concentration" value to the "Other" ingredients for any acids.
Recipe Builder - Fixed a problem in how the recipe pH value was looking up acid ingredients
My Recipes - Add "Acid Concentration" value to acid ingredient types when viewing recipes in "View" mode
Water Chemistry Calculator - Fixed a problem where mash/sparge acid addition ingredients wouldn't show up in their related recipes correctly.
Recipe Builder - Fix display of recipes using kettle as their batch size target, hide post-boil volumes and gravities
Recipe Builder - Simplify the attenuation values for yeast ingredients by combining yeast culture attenatuions and custom attenuations, and making recipe attenuation a calculated value.
Recipe Builder - Add a
Recipe Builder - Fix display of recipes using kettle as their batch size target, hide post-boil volumes and gravities
Recipe Builder - Simplify the attenuation values for yeast ingredients by combining yeast culture attenatuions and custom attenuations, and making recipe attenuation a calculated value.
Recipe Builder - Add a feature that checks recipes being edited with inventory ingredients for cost updates and updates all recipe costs to match current inventory cost information.
Recipe Builder - Add warning messaging to
Quick Water Requirements
when maximum capacity of the boil kettle will be exceeded by pre-boil volumeRecipe Builder - Fixed a bug whereby sorting hops ingredients (from a user's inventory) in the recipe builder would cause the inventory deductions to not appear when creating a new brew session
Recipe Builder - Fix a problem with incorrectly escaping special characters in recipe and ingredient titles
Brew Session - Add warning messaging to
Quick Water Requirements
when maximum capacity of the boil kettle will be exceeded by pre-boil volumeRecipe API - Add reference points for polling/updating post-boil volumes in legacy APIs.
Recipes API - Fixed a bug that would not allow users to poll the API for XML recipe output using their API key.
General Settings - Added a Recipe Editor Setting "Update Inventory Costs", and "Update Costs [Recipe Snapshots]" to toggle the new inventory setting Off/Prompt/On.
Equipment Profiles - Add a value for recording the maximum volume of your boil kettle.
Recipe View - Updated print recipe view to include used equipment profile name
Standalone Calculator fixes:
Extract OG/FG Calculator - Add checks to avoid divide-by-zero error.
Efficiency Calculator - Add checks to avoid divide-by-zero error.
All-Grain OG/FG Calculator - Fix typo in styling.
Dilution & Boil Off Calculator - Fix problem with numeric value comparison.
Chaptalization Calculator - Fix problem with numeric value comparison.
My Profile - Fixed an issue with the profile pictures uploading sideways for some images/resolutions.
Recipe Builder - Changed the calc boil button to a toggle to automatically adjust the pre and/or post boil volumes according to recipe or equipment changes.
My Brew Sessions - Added a section to the default brew steps to display any "Other Ingredients" additions targeting sparge water.
Brew Sessions - Fixed an issue with the Y-scale for ambient temptures on Brew session fermentation charts.
Recipe Builder - Changes for starting mash thickness now update the first strike mash steps amount and starting temp.
Inventory - The date field for yeast inventory is now a calendar selection. In the future the yeast viability will be calculated in recipe builder and brew sessions.
Brew Sessions - Fixed the bug for mash calculator showing 0 volume remaining. Update mash calculator to use latest quick water requirement volume calculations.
Brew Sessions - Added mashed volume including grain to the mash calculator.
Brew Sessions - Fixed an "off by 1" date stamp bug where some timestamp weren't accounting for the users timezone properly.
Recipe Builder - Updated how the Mash Thickness
value is updated when changing recipe units or the equipment profile for the recipe.
Recipe Builder - Changes in the mash thickness in mash guidelines automatically update changes to the mash steps associated with QWR when used - strike volume and starting temp are automatcally updated from the mash thickness input.
Recipe Builder - A new QWR was created for when the mashtun capacity was exceeded.
Recipe Builder - Fixed bug wher zero utilization values were being ignored.
Recipe Builder - Fixed how honey, fruit and puree ingredients as categories where affecting OG and ABV when used as late additions.
Search Recipes - Changed the search to allow users to deselect brew method and/or unit system.
Recipe Builder - Update to properly account for the attenuation value of custom yeast ingredients.
Recipe Builder - Fixed bug in "Add Quick Water Requirement" function that used the wrong volume amount for updating the "Mash Guidelines" for steeping steps
My Recipes - Add the ability to clear the search field with a single click and automatically search when search keyword(s) are completely deleted
My Brew Sessions - Add the ability to clear the search field with a single click and automatically search when search keyword(s) are completely deleted
My Brew Sessions - Fixed issue with improperly displayed timestamps for brew log entries.
Search Beer Recipes - Modified Method
and Units
filter dropdowns to no longer force selection when clicking away from the fields
My Inventory - Changed the Date entry from free text to a calendar input.
My Shopping list - Changed the Date entry from free text to a calendar input.
Recipe Builder - Fix IBU calculations when 0
is used as a utilization value for hops additions
My Brew Sessions - Fix a bug causing trial users to see errors with fewer than the max-allowed number of brew sessions
My Inventory - Replace long, scrolling page with tab/dropdown navigation to view one ingredient category at a time.
My Shopping List - Replace long, scrolling page with tab/dropdown navigation to view one ingredient gcategory at a time
My Inventory - Fixed problem where bulk edit input fields would not display values.
My Shopping LIst - Fixed problem where bulk edit input fields would not display values.
Recipe Builder - Fix IBU calculation problem when adding new "First Wort", "Whirlpool", "Hopback" or "Hop Stand" hop addition not adding the scale utilization.
My Recipes - Fixed an issue when some users were unable to edit their folder names.
My Recipes - Updated date formatting in fermentation charts to match user profile settings
My Brew Sessions - Updated date formatting in fermentation charts to match user profile settings
My Brew Sessions - Fix a problem that sometimes caused new brew log entries to be disallowed in brew sessions
My Brew Sessions - Update the default numbering for batch codes to reflect the current value of the recipe title Profile
My Brew Sessions - Added ambient temp to fermentation charts for devices that want to send a secondary temperature.
General Settings - Add a new user profile setting to determine whether the numeric value in new brew sessions' batch codes are reset every calendar year (default) or continue counting up indefinitely
My Inventory - Dynamically update pricing information on inventory list after bulk save
My Inventory - Fix unhandled error in inventory import when no names are given in imported inventory CSV files
My Shopping List - Dynamically update pricing information on shopping list after bulk save
My Shopping List - Fix error page when bulk edit used after all items in category have been removed
Recipe Builder - Quick Water Requirements
Recipe Builder - QWR Re-ordered the QWR losses and gains in chronological order.
Recipe Builder - QWR will now use recipe user entered boil volumes, and display a warning when they do not align, and/or they do not align with equipment estimated values.\
Recipe Builder - QWR the target volume type (fermenter vs post boil for kettle target) is now bold.\
Recipe Builder - QWR The recipe name is now at the top of the QWR, thanks @AHarper!
Recipe Builder - QWR Hop absorption losses have been split depending on their addition timing (boil vs mash vs dry hop etc).
Recipe Builder - Fixed unit conversion error relating to grain absorption and hops absorption values in the quick water requirements
Recipe Builder - Removed dry hop (high krausen) from hop absorption calculation for QWR volume calculation to match dry hop addition behavior
Recipe Builder - Use the user-provided re/post boil volumes for calculating QWR volumes, provide messaging when estimated volumes are out of line with provided values
Recipe Builder - Use QWR-calculated post-boil volume when user changes from kettle to fermentor as brew target mode
Recipe Builder - Use the user-provided mash thickness value from the mash guidelines section when calculating strike volumes in QWR, if that value doesn't exist, use the user's profile value, otherwise use the system default
Recipe Builder - Added new hop absorption lines to better breakdown when the losses occur, mash vs boil kettle vs whirlpool.
Recipe Builder - Improved calculations to better handle volume increase from sugar additions in QWR.
User Profiles - Automatically convert measurement units for all saved equipment profiles when the user's global measurement units are changed
User Profiles - Automatically convert "Default Batch Size" and "Default Boil Size" values when the user's global measurement units are changed
User Profiles - Fix status messaging/styling for save actions in various profile tabs
Brew Session Inventory Deductions - Resolved an issue that where some users inventory deductions did not occur when
Deduct the following from my inventory
checkbox was unchecked.Recipe Import - Allow for import of BeerSmith format files containing multiple recipes in a single file
Recipe Import - Display any errors that occur in recipe import process, but continue to import all recipes
Brew Sessions - Show brew timers and step descriptions for brew sessions in all brewing phases not just "planning" and "brewing".
Recipe Builder - Fixed an issue where late addition target ie "boil kettle" for fermentables when copying recipes. \
Recipe Builder - Fixed an issue where yeast units were defaulting to 'Each' instead of using the yeast units in the recipe when copying recipe.
Brew Sessions Inventory Deductions - Update the way that inventory items are matched to recipe ingredients, allows for multiple options to be displayed for the user to choose from when making deductions
My Recipes - Last used Page Limit is now saved for all subsequent visits per user
My Brew Sessions - Last used Page Limit is now saved for all subsequent visits per user
My Recipes Fixed the "Updated" column to correctly reflect the user's chosen timezone
Brew Steps - Fixed problem calculating total water volume value in brew steps from mash guidelines.
Recipe Builder - When using multiple yeasts in a recipe, use the highest single attenuation value of all yeasts for the calculation of final gravity (previously using averaged attenuation value)
Devices - Added the ability to create service forwarders per device. Located in Link Devices under the Brew Session -> Fermentation tab.
Recipe Builder - Fixed an issue where recipes would not save when FG was below 1.000.
Recipe View - Fixed issues with different units not being converted in the ingredient totals.
Brew Session and Inventory Deductions - Fixed inventory deductions for hop additions that were not catching some ingredients.
Devices / Forwarders - Fixed Tilt SG sent to google sheets, please see the updated documentation.
Brew Sessions - Fixed fermentation chart filter with multiple devices.
Recipe View - Added fermentation chart filter with multiple devices.
Devices - Added a forwarder for Ubidots.
Devices - Added GET and POST method options for forwarding data.
Devices - Added optional header option for forwarding data.
Devices - Added forward response codes and the error message if the forwarder failed to help devs :). If a forwarder fails it will be deactivated.
Brew Session - Automated the "Notify me" checkbox, if a date or time is set for the future, it will automatically check the checkbox to notifiy the user.
Extract to Base Grain Calculator - Updated brewhouse efficiency fields to show proper styling when disabled for DME/LME fermentables.
Extract to Base Grain Calculator - Added the ability to independently change between imperial and metric units for the initial and resulting fermentables.
My Recipes - Modify the "Snapshot" checkbox into a dropdown to provide the means to filter recipe searches by only recipes, only snapshots or both
Brew Sessions - Fixed issue with the Fermentation Chart Gravity axis dropping trailing zeroes, "1" instead of "1.000".
Recipe View - Fixed issue with the Fermentation Chart Gravity axis dropping trailing zeroes, "1" instead of "1.000".
General Settings - Added Fermentation Chart Auto scale Y axis setting.
Brew Sessions - Applies Fermentation Chart Auto scale Y axis setting.
Recipe View - Applies Fermentation Chart Auto scale Y axis setting.
API - Added ingredients query parameter for recipes endpoint.
Recipe Builder - Fixed hop use error when selecting Hop Stand.
Beer XML - Fixed some issues importing / exporting certain hop use and mash use.
Brew Sessions - Fixed brew steps to use recipe fermentation temp in cool wort down steps.
Calculators - Added a new calculator to convert from extract and base malt grains.
Hops- Added LUPOMAX Citra, Mosaic and Sabro.
Brew Sessions - Improved support for inventory deductions for group inventory and group recipes.
Recipe Builder - Added group support for recipes with linking water calculator.
Recipe Builder - Added Hop Stand as a hop use type, as an alternative to whirlpooling. Uses the same existing utilization setting in the equipment profile as whirlpool additions.
My Inventory - Fixed 'Hide Zero Amounts' functionality from disabling sortable headings in ingredients tables.
My Inventory - Added styling for visually representing required fields when adding new ingredients.
API - Added filters for recipes endpoint.
API - Added filters for brew sessions endpoint.
General Settings - Brew Sessions - Added option to create 10 minute reminder additions for brew steps.
Recipe Builder - Updated the Quick Water Requirements for more accurate losses such as grain absorption, steeping losses etc especially for extract and partial mash.
Recipe Builder - Rearranged the Quick Water Requirements Step order to be in chronological order, highlighted the "target" batch size.
My Inventory - Added CSV Import and Export feature.
Brew Sessions - Added fermentation chart as default if there is an active device.\
Brew Sessions - Added temp, mash thickness, expected gravity, and time to brew steps from recipe builder.
Brew Sessions - Information from recipe builder overrides the placeholder guidelines from quick water requirements.
Recipe Builder - Fixes cost saving when sorting hops, fermentables and other.
API - Added current stats and recipe to single brew session API endpoint.
API - Added brew session logs API endpoint.
Brew Sessions - Added Tanks filter for groups on brew session fermentation tab.
Recipe Print - Fixed missing calories and carbohydrates on recipe print page.
Brew Sessions - Fixed auto add brew logs for Dry Hop (High Krausen).
My Profile - Added social links for Untappd, Instagram, TikTok, Reddit, and YouTube.
Group Tanks - Save tank requires a location, previously was giving an error if you didn't select a location.
Brew Sessions - Fixed gravity when using multiple sources to send fermentation stream readings. Happened if one source was just sending the temp and not gravity.
Brew Sessions - Fixed Tilt gravity rounding when viewing in Plato. It turns out 10 decimal rounding is not very friendly on the eyes.
Equipment Profiles - Adds settings profile import for popular all-in-one brewing systems like Anvil Foundry, Brewie+, Brewers Edge Mash and Boil, Braumeister, Grainfather, and BrewZilla / Robobrew.
Equipment Profiles - Adds compare for popular all-in-one brewing systems.
Equipment Profiles - Adds Mash-Tun addition volume to account for liquid under your false bottom. This volume will be added to the strike volume and removed from the sparge volume.
Equipment Profiles - Adds a Filter for quickly finding a setting.
General Settings - Adds a Filter for quickly finding a setting.
Recipe Builder - Changed the boil calc button to use Quick Water Requirements calculated values for both pre and post boil volumes for greater accuracy.
Recipe Builder - Moved Equipment profile to recipe header from More section.
Brew Sessions - Adds Post Boil Gravity from recipe to brew session header.
Recipe Builder - Fixed a temperature conversion issue when changing recipe unit system between US and Metric.
Brew Sessions - Added Dry Hopped (High Krausen) event option in the Brew Log.
Recipe Builder - Added Dry Hop (High Krausen) to hop addition use options.
Recipe Builder, Inventory, and Shopping - Added Fruit Juice, Fruit Puree, Specialty Malt and Honey to Fermentables.
Recipe Builder, Inventory, and Shopping - Added validation to category and types to improve quality of ingredient database and reduce confusion. Ie no longer able to enter ingredients such as category = fruit, type = base malt. etc.
Water Calculator - Added Specialty Malt, Smoked Malt, Gluten-Free Malt for grain types.
Brew sessions - Update to the date picker. Fixes various issues with date, +- days, and timestamps.
Recipe Builder - Remove the User Contributed ingredient setting. All admin approved ingredients will be available to all users as long as that brand is enabled.
Recipe View - Fixed hop total and hop summary to use the same unit type as the recipe additions, if different units are used, the majority unit is used.
Recipe Builder - Fixed issue where hop addition temperature did not update units when changing recipe units.
Recipe Print - Fixed issue where the printed recipe wasn't using the user set currency symbol.
Equipment profile - Updated text in the equipment profile to provide guidance for BIAB brewers and all in one systems.
Recipe Builder - Fixed issue where hop addition temperature did not update units when changing recipe units.
My Recipes - Updated the hop utilization percentage to reset when changing the 'use', ie whirlpool / first wort / boil.
Browse Pages - Will now show yeast fermentation temperatures based on your profile units setting of °F or °C.
Brew Sessions - Removed Post-Boil Gravity From brew log in favor of Boil Complete.
Recipe Builder - Fixed units issue for linked water calcs and other ingredients like salts and acids.
My Recipes - Fixed a count issue when moving group recipes to a sub folder.
My Recipes - Sorting feature sorts all recipes, not just current page.
LME/DME Conversion Calculator - Update DME and LME PPG to 45 and 37 respectively.
Yeast Starter Valculator - Update DME PPG to 45.
My Recipes - Fixed a bug where some users were unable to move recipes back to the default folder.
Label Generator - Added an error message when the image uploaded is too large. Limit is 3 MB
Brew Session - Updated the log entry expected volume to use the actual recipe values, instead of quick water requirement values.
Brew Sessions - Added event tooltips to log entries that measure efficiency; mash complete (conversion), preboil (kettle), boil complete (ending kettle), and brewday complete (brewhouse).
Recipe Builder - Fixed zero attenuation issue reporting 100% ABV. Now zero will report 0% ABV.
Recipe Builder - Changed Quick Water Requirements to use recipe units instead of user settings.
Recipe Builder - Fixed a error that prevented boil time of zero.
Recipe Builder - Fixed a bug where the mash thickness, and QWR, were not properly accounting for flaked grains.
Recipe Builder - Fixed a bug with unit conversion of other ingredients, fermentables, and fermentation temperature when changing the recipe units.
Recipe Builder - Improved the unit conversion of BF default rounding to maintain a higher level of precision.
Recipe Builder / Inventory - Made 'mashed' default to ON when adding custom fermentables to inventory and recipes.
Brew Sessions - Updated brew session volume and gravity tooltips to describe what volume/gravity should be input.
Brew Sessions - Fixed various issues regarding "+-days" and updated datestamp of brew sessions and log issues.
Water calculator - Fixed error with salts not working correctly for some
Documentation FAQ - Updated the brew session section of the FAQs, to align more with the log entries.
BeerXML export - Fixed a bug with unsupported recipe styles and mash types.
Color Calculator - Fixed a bug with SRM/Lovi/EBC conversion.
Recipe Builder, inventory, my recipes, recipe view etc. - Expanded options for currency symbol.
Label Generator - Ability to select images from your recipe or upload your own images.
Water Chemistry Calculator - Updated water volumes to use the recipe volumes and mash guidelines instead of QWR.
Water Chemistry Calculator - Fixed an issue with the water calculator volumes not updating.
Brew Sessions - Added fallbacks to the fermentation stats OG so that it would accept Brew Day Complete, Boil Complete, or Post-Boil Gravity in that order.
Ibu Calculator - Updated the standalone IBU calculator to indicate preboil and postboil sizes.
Recipe Builder, My Inventory, My Shopping List - Removed necessity of clicking "add My_Custom_Malt" when adding custom ingredients. You can now press enter, tab, or escape via mouse click and the input will be accepted.
Recipe Builder - Added currency for all countries.
Recipe Builder - Added cost scaling to total cost summary, click on cost to view this.
Recipe View - Added currency for ingredients.
Recipe View - Added total cost summary, click on cost to view this.
General Settings - Added currency for all countries.
Water Chemistry Calculator - Updated water volumes updating from quick water requirements instead of recipe when linked water calc.
General Setting - Option for Packaging Size. This will be used to calculate calories and carbohydrates in the Recipe Builder, Brew Session, and Recipe View pages.
This defaults to 12 oz or 330 ml for metric users.
Recipe Builder - Currency for all countries.
Recipe View - Currency for ingredients.
Recipe View - Total cost summary, click on cost to view this.
General Settings - Currency for all countries.
My Inventory - Fixed adding custom yeast and yeast type selection saving.
My Shopping - Fixed adding custom yeast and yeast type selection saving.
Recipe Builder - Fixed other ingredient conversion to gallons.
My Inventory - Style refinements for filters, tables, bulk edit and bulk delete on mobile view. Fix for horizontal overflow on mobile when adding or editing new inventory item.
My Shopping - Style refinements for filters, tables, bulk edit and bulk delete on mobile view. Fix for horizontal overflow on mobile when adding or editing new shopping item.
My Recipes - Moving a recipe to a group.
Recipe Builder - Updated recipe attenuation to use highest yeast attenuation. Also fixes an issue with zero attenuation culture addition such as lactobacillus.
Recipe Builder - Improved Mash chemistry / Water Calculator to take late additions into account, such as "mash capping" of roasted grains. Late additions of fermentables are ignored for the purposes of mash pH.
Brew Sessions - Fixed an issue with the calendar picker not assigning times, causing errors in the fermentation chart.
Recipe Builder - Complete country list for custom fermentables.
My Inventory - Complete country list for custom fermentables.
My Shopping - Complete country list for custom fermentables.
Recipe Editor - Ingredient cost has an option for updating all of the same ingredients. This will now match alpha acids on hops and PPG on fermentables.
Recipe Editor - Change currency option under stats bar More.
Inventory - View counts, brew counts and star ratings to recipe suggestions.
Group Inventory - View counts, brew counts and star ratings to recipe suggestions.
General Setting - Option to change currency for all recipes.
Brew Sessions - Fermentation chart days filter that was being reset after mousing over the chart.
Recipe View - Fermentation chart days filter that was being reset after mousing over the chart.
My Recipes - The ability to bulk move recipes to folders.
My Recipes - Move recipes to folders on mobile.
My Recipes - Folder count update after deleting a recipe.
My Recipes - Deleted group recipes from showing up.
My Brew Sessions - Folder count update after deleting a recipe.
Devices and API - New Endpoint for specific gravity from iSpindel devices. This was needed since the iSpindel does not send a gravity unit like P or G and only sends the gravity value. The default is Plato but you can now send readings in specific gravity by using the new Specific Gravity URL
. No matter what unit you are sending you can always change the unit in General Settings under Sugar Scale to view readings in that unit.
General Setting - General setting for a default brew log sort order, defaults to Oldest logs first.
Recipe Builder - Efficiency scaling in scaling dialog.
Recipe Builder - Total Attenuation editing UI issue.
Recipe Builder - Fix Selected Other ingredients.
Device Settings - Edit Forwarders and Notifications.
Ingredient Catalog - Added Argentina and Chile for country origin fermentable option.
Recipe Builder - Ingredient and recipe cost.
Recipe Builder - Units for yeast. Now supports grams, oz, etc.
Recipe Builder - Ingredient cost to scaling.
Recipe Builder - lb, oz, g, and kg to fermentable units.
Recipe Builder - Ingredient dropdowns now organize inventories for groups, with country flags (for fermentables) and inventory tags.
Recipe View - Recipe cost.
Recipe View - Country flag to fermentables.
Recipe Versions - Recipe cost to compare.
Brew Sessions - Tank column for group brew sessions with a tank assigned.
Brew Sessions - Auto increment batch code.
Brew Sessions - Brew Log Entry updated UI.
Brew Sessions - Multiple devices to one brew session.
Brew Sessions - Auto create brew logs with future events for dry hopping.
Brew Sessions - Start brew inventory deduction - inventory tags and inventory updated date.
Pro Group Tanks - Created a Partial Transfer event.
Pro Equipment - Added temperature unit conversion to use default units.
Pro Tank Logs - Adds a Tank transfer button to tank logs page for moving beer from a fermenter to a bright tank. Also adds bright tank and barrel icons for fermentation vessel.
Pro Tank Logs - Event Notifications for future events, great for Dry Hop reminders.
Pro Tank Logs - Current tank bar at the top to quickly see what beer is currently in a tank.
Inventory - For Pro Groups you can now import your BSG Invoice and all ingredients will be added to your inventory.
Inventory - Tags, Unit Price, Milled fields.
Inventory - PPG, Diastatic and Lovibond moved to tooltip to save space in inventory table.
Inventory - Add Inventory modal updated to cleaner UI.
Inventory - Search Filter will show items in your inventory that match your search.
Inventory - Units for yeast. Now supports grams, oz, etc.
Inventory - Country flag to fermentables.
Shopping - Search Filter will show items in your shopping list that match your search.
Shopping - Unit Price, Milled fields.
Shopping - Add Item modal updated to cleaner UI.
Shopping - Convert to inventory will now copy estimated price to inventory price and also copy the milled option.
Shopping - Units for yeast. Now supports grams, oz, etc.
Shopping - Country flag to fermentables.
Shopping - Convert to group inventory and tag options.
Brew Logs - Event Notifications for future events, great for Dry Hop reminders.
My Recipes - Cost column.
My Brew Sessions - Starting a brew session now allows blending and splitting batches.
My Brew Sessions - Editing a brew session now allows blending and splitting batches.
Recipe Builder - Occasional Invalid ingredient error editing.
Recipe Builder - Loading deleted inventory ingredients.
Recipe Builder - Recipe scaling yeast.
Recipe Builder - With the addition of post boil size using target fermenter the IBU calculation should use this instead of batch size as used with a target of kettle.
Brew Sessions - Start brew inventory deduction for multiple same ingredients in a recipe.
Brew Sessions - Brew logs are now sorted by date with the most current at the top.
Recipe Versions - Inventory ingredient item names showing.
Recipe View - Hop Summary total with regards to pounds of hops, will now display total in pounds if over 16 oz or in kilograms if over 1000 g.
Inventory - Group editing permission error.
Shopping - Saving country with fermentables.
Groups - Group invite and mobile nav menu.
Ingredients Catalog - Added Gladfield Malt list.
Recipe builder - Larger dropdowns on mobile.
Recipe builder and calculators - Subtle visual cues for form elements that are in focus (when using "tab" to navigate).
Recipe page - Fix for narrow margins on recipe print (to make it work with ring binders), when browsers ignores custom margins.
Devices page - Fixed buttons covering text on mobile.
Mobile navigation - Fallback for the main mobile navigation when using older devices without flexbox support.
Imported Recipes - Fixed bug where imported recipe ingredients didn't save as matches to existing catalog ingredients
Recipe Builder - Hide PH when the calculated value is out of range
Recipe Builder - “Cells Required” missing on yeast area of Recipe Builder
Buy Ingredients - Steeping grains not included when you click buy Ingredients
My Recipes - Mobile bug selecting group in my recipes was going to that group in my brew sessions.
Recipe Builder - Added a dropdown next to Late Addition to allow you to specify when you will be adding the late addition. This will more accurately calculate pre and post boil gravity, OG, FG, IBU and ABV. The default selection is nothing and will continue to work as it had been.
Recipe Builder - Added fermentable points calculated by multiplying PPG * amount. This will change with efficiency.
Recipe Builder - Fixed loading Post Boil Volume.
IBU Calculator - Adds hop utilization factor and altitude adjustment to the IBU calculator. This already existed in the recipe builder.
Brew Session - Added Fermentation chart ability to edit BPM readings.
Brew Session - Fixed fermentation chart index issue with bpm line matching up.
Brew Session - Fermentation chart fixed Y-Axis n/a zero issue.
API - Added CSV fermentation import. You can already export fermentation data in a CSV, now you can import it too.
My Recipes - Fixed folder edit for users and groups.
My Brew Sessions - Fixed folder edit for users and groups.
My Recipes - Fix Hop Summary in print & view to correctly show full recipe hop quantities
Recipe Builder - Fixed an issue where others time is incorrectly displayed when editing recipe.
Recipe Builder - Improved ingredients search in fermentable dropdowns to match more variations of ingredient names.
My Recipes - Fixed bug with navigation not functioning when certain recipes appeared.
Account Settings - Unit rounding options not showing up when editing profile page.
Recipe Builder - Mash Steps not saving when target temp not set
Water Calculator - Fixed bug with water calculator sometimes not holding the chosen water profile.
Recipe Builder - Improve page loading speed when editing a recipe with a lot of ingredients.
Brew Session - Allow Brew Session phase to update when clicking on a phase button.
Recipe Builder - Fixed issue when sorting recipe ingredients with inventory items.
Recipe Builder - Only change amount of ingredient when units change if an ingredient has been selected, to prevent amounts changing unintentionally when entering ingredient fields from left to right.
Label Generator - Refined page layout, fixed labels print style issues, fixed label previews to match printed labels.
My Inventory - Fixed inventory form showing irrelevant form fields on mobile when adding or editing items.
Brew Session - Removed ‘mash volume’ entry at mash complete entry on brew log
Brew Session - Fixed an issue where editing the brew log post-brew day could remove the OG in the log
Visual Fixes
Brew Session (base layout):
Fixed content overflow on medium screens.
Refined "Brew Session" title and navigation.
Refined username, removed avatar.
Refined beer stats list.
Refined beer stats row.
Refined tabs navigations.
Brew Session - Brew Log:
Fixed form overflow on mobile when adding a new brew log entry.
Refined "Batch Performance" blocks layout on mobile / desktop.
Fixed table layout on mobile.
Brew Session - Brew Steps:
Fixed "Add step" form overflow on mobile
Fixed headings / buttons / checkbox alignment
Brew Session - Water Requirements:
Fixed table layout on mobile.
Brew Session - Water Chemistry:
Fixed "Batch Data" table overflow on mobile.
Fixed "Water Chemistry - Ion Levels (ppm or mg/L)" table overflow on mobile.
Fixed "Brewing Salt Additions" table overflow on mobile.
Fixed "Ion Levels" table overflow on mobile.
Fixed "Ion Balance" table overflow on mobile.
Fixed update/reset/save buttons alignment on mobile.
Brew Session - Mash Calculator:
Fixed and refined layout on mobile.
Fixed table overflow on mobile.
Refined calculator tabs on mobile.
Brew Session - Recipe View:
Fixed tables overflow on mobile.
Brew Session - Notes:
Fixed heading / checkbox alignment.
Fixed and refined notes layout.
Brew Session - Fermentation:
Refined styles for chart navigation.
Fixed and cleaned up toolbar layout on mobile.
Start a Brew Session:
Removed scroll bars on mobile.
Fixed content container overflow on desktop.
My Shopping:
Updated edit / delete buttons alignment on mobile when table is collapsed.
Brew Session - Steps now get correctly sorted when custom steps have been added.
Brew Steps - You can now edit custom and default steps.
Recipe View - Fixed incorrect ingredient stats (ppg, color, etc.) showing for steeping grains in Extract recipes
My Recipes - Fixed bug where bulk deletion of recipes could sometimes occur when only one was selected to delete
Buy Ingredients - Re-introduced the "Buy Ingredients" feature on recipe pages that integrates with Homebrew Supply's new website.
Recipe Listing - Fixed errors occurring with bulk recipe deletes
Recipe Builder - Fixed error saying fermentables haven't been filled out when they have
Recipe Builder - Fixed bug with default equipment profile not populating on new recipes
Recipe Builder - Fixed errors with loading recipes with non-standard units, e.g. "onz"
Brew Session - Fix for starting brew sessions with the correct default units
Alerts - Improved the way we show minor alerts across the site so they're more visually appealing
Brew Session / Fermentation - Gravity knob value now updates when device updates.
Recipe View / Fermentation - Gravity knob value now updates when device updates.
Recipe Builder - Fixed a bug when sorting fermentables resulted in changing ingredient quantities
Recipe Edit & View - Removed post-boil gravity until we can fix some calculation issues that have been reported. In the mean time, post-boil gravity is frequently the same as OG.
My profile pages - Collapsible navigation tabs on mobile; Wider inputs on mobile; Unified inputs padding.
Account page - Fixed mobile phone input overflow on mobile.
Profile page - Fixed form overflow on mobile.
General page - Fixed form overflow on mobile.
Equipment page - Fixed layout issues on mobile.
Water profiles page - Fixed table layout on mobile.
Water profiles page - Fixed "Add new water profile" table layout on mobile.
Brew steps page: - Fixed "Add step" form overflow on mobile.
My brewing pages - Collapsible navigation tabs on mobile.
My dashboard page - Fixed dashboard blocks overflow on mobile; Fixed margins / height of dashboard blocks on medium and large screens.
My brew sessions page - Fixed table layout on mobile and desktop; Fixed draggable names space jumps on hover.
Brew session page / Fermentation tab - Devices and notifications splited into two blocks; Notification text of no sufficient account permissions updated.
My recipes page - Fixed margin between top toolbar, buttons and table; Fixed draggable names space jumps on hover.
My shopping page - Fixed broken toolbar layout (sort by; buttons) on mobile; Fixed tables overflow by collapsing tables when wider than the browser window.
My inventory page - Fixed broken toolbar layout (sort by; hide zero amounts; buttons) on mobile / tablet; Fixed tables overflow by collapsing tables when wider than the browser window.
My notes page - Cleaned up the toolbar layout; Hidden table header on mobile (when table is collapsed).
Recipe view page - Refined avatar / beer stats blocks on mobile and desktop; Fixed tables overflow by collapsing tables when wider than the browser window; Fixed comments overflow on mobile.
Recipe view print - Print margin increased to make room for binder holes.
Brew Sessions - Added a general setting to start next brew timer automatically. Currently yes is the default but you can now turn this off.
Equipment Profile and General Settings - Removed multiple save buttons.
Recipe Builder - Fixed hop temp width to not cut off a digit.
Equipment Profile - Add Liters option for Mash Water Units when general units setting is metric.
Recipe View - Fixed hop summary units being converted to grams. Hops are grouped in the hop summary and amounts are changed to grams to sum a total amounts. These amounts were not being converted back to the unit on the recipe. This fixes that.
Recipe View - Fixed blurry avatar images for recipe authors by using higher resolution images.
Shopping List - Fixed yeast count when converting recipe ingredients to shopping list.
Shopping List - Fixed bug where hop amounts in add to shopping list were showing as zero
Recipe Builder - Fixed issues with mash guidelines changing when making updates and new values not saving properly
Recipe Builder - Fixed problem with diastatic power incorrect for cara ingredients
Recipe Print View - Fixed problem with the hop summary checkbox not working
Recipe Print View - More fixes for reducing print size down to one page and maximizing use of space on recipe print
Recipe Print View - Fixed display of recipes when printing to fit on one page
Site Style - Reverted recent link color change to switch link colors back to green
Brew Sessions - Fixed occasional errors when starting a new brew session
Brew Sessions - Fixed errors when starting brew session with group inventory
My Recipes - Improved layout and style of my recipes table to flex better at all resolutions and make better use of space
My Recipes - Added new "New Recipe" button for convenience when scrolled down
My Recipes - Improved display of recipe table on mobile screen size to better use available space
My Recipes - Improved style of folder buttons to better fit on small screens
Homepage Recipes - Updated recipe card sizes to work better on mobile
Recipe Builder - Moved yeast calculation link to make it clearer
Recipe Builder - Fixed error on loading recipes with empty mash step type
Brew Session - Fixed issue where equipment profile wouldn't be set on starting a new brew session
Recipe View - Added award winning ribbon color display
My Recipes/My Brewing - Added option for showing more recipes per page
Devices - Fixed errors when deleting device readings
Calculators - Added ml/g conversion
My Recipes - Fixed defaulting snapshot filtering checkbox to on
Hop Summary - Fixed showing 0 boil time on hop summary
My Brewing/Recipes - Fixed issue with searching recipes in groups
Recipe View - Fix tables display for mobile browsers
Recipe Builder - Fixed number arrows display on inputs for Firefox
Brew Session - Fixed display of recipe metric cards on brew session
Brew Session/Recipe View - Reduced size of profile pictures
Beer XML - Added Batch Sparge mash type
New Premium Plus Membership
Lifetime Members will be grandfathered in with plus features.
New Premium Pro Membership
Contact us at
Lifetime Members will be grandfathered in with pro features.
Groups - Friend and Homebrew Club groups.
Groups - Members, invite friends to your group for recipe collaborations.
Groups - Inventory, shared inventory that anyone in the group can use.
Account - Mobile number for text messages.
Brew Session
Fermentation alerts and notifications.
Email, text message and Slack.
These work with devices to notify you if the temp drops below or above a set point. It can also alert when a gravity is reached. Alerts are available with email or text.
Carbs in grams.
Packaging Options
New Event Types
Mash Complete (First Runnings)
Mash Complete (Last Runnings)
Cone Dump
Diacetyl Rest
Recipe View - Added Carbs grams per 12 oz.
Equipment Profiles - Hop Options - allow you to set utilization percents used when adding hops in the recipe builder.
Device Settings
Fermentation alerts and notifications.
Same as above but you can set them for all brew sessions using a device.
Recipe Builder
Group editing, multiple group users can edit the same recipe (not at the same time however, that may change)
Versioning. Versions are automatically created each time the recipe is saved.
You can then revert to that version of the recipe.
Hop copy button to help with lots hops additions.
Carbs in grams.
Mash Guidelines water calc.
Auto adjusts strike water with mash thickness change.
bpm field added to stream.
Site wide styles and more mobile support across the site.
Device Map - A device streaming from BF users
My Recipes - Bulk delete option.
My Profile - Toggling default brew steps.
Recipe View - When a water calc is linked, the projected mash pH varies from the water calc to the recipe builder.
Recipe Builder - Partial mash recipes changing when built using a goal.
Recipe Builder - Australian spelling.
Label Generator - not printing style.
Recipe Builder - Mash pH - Slaked lime issue when adding lime zest in the recipe in 'other' ingredients.
Recipe Builder - Mash Guidelines - Vorlauf and Batch Sparge options.
Brew Session - Brew Steps - removed automatically created steps for starting and completed mash steps, combined this into one step with timer.
Recipe Builder - Deprecated IE message, Internet Explorer just doesn't perform as good as other modern browsers and we do not recommend using it at all.
Water Calculator- ml/l and g/l options back to the water calculator for salts and acids.
Search - Issue selecting multiple ingredients in recipe search.
Water Calculator - Issue with Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3).
Recipe Builder - Days copy when selecting dry hop.
Recipe Builder - Post Boil calc and input when the target is Fermenter. This will auto calculate the post boil volume including evaporation rate from the equipment profile chosen for the recipe. This volume will then be used in the Original Gravity and IBU predictions instead of the Batch Size. When the target is Kettle the Batch Size is also the Post Boil volume so nothing changes here and is still being used for OG and IBU predictions.
Equipment Profile - Altitude input, enter feet or meters for your altitude. This will be used to automatically change the hop utilization in the recipe builder (Click More next to the prediction bar), which defaults to 1. Example: At 5,280 feet this changes the utilization to 0.84 (ie. 84%).
API Endpoints - Starting to move all endpoints to ``. Old endpoints will still be supported.
Recipe Photos - get a list of photos for your recipes or get the default photo for a recipe.
Recipe XML - get the recipe in Beer XML.
Recipes - new search parameters.
Brew Sessions - new search parameters.
Updated Recipe Search
API Endpoints - Recipes
API Endpoints - Brew Sessions
Ingredients - Complete list of Voyager malts to the BF catalog.
Moved FAQ to new docs
Brew Session - Fermentation paging and edit readings.
General Settings - Dry Hop Days option for dry hopping for X Days or on Day X.
Recipe Builder - Whirlpool Utilization can now use time and temp to calc approximate utilization. Change the time and temp for auto utilization updates.
Recipe Builder - Dry Hop Time verbiage changed to Day.
Recipe Builder - Priming block with custom priming method will not try to calculate anything.
Recipe Builder - Ability to enter custom styles in the sub category. You can still choose a primary category.
Recipe Builder / Label Generator - Custom styles will now appear for your label.
Brew Session / Brew Log - ability to add time along with the date for more accurate logs and fermentation charts.
Shopping List - Bulk Edit for amounts.
Recipe Builder - Priming Information dropdown options will now auto calculate the priming sugar you choose. This also adds a calculation for kegs and C02.
Search - Added reset search and cached previous search for returning to search after leaving.
Brew Session - Fermentation charts now updates the UI correctly after deleting a reading. Time scale is now linear to account for gaps in readings. Comments are correctly wrapped in annotation cards.
Brew Session - Phase bar, now numbered and more intuitive.
Data Sheets - Forced Carbonation Chart.
My Recipes - Search will now query all recipes regardless if they are in a folder or not.
Recipe Builder / Equipment Profile - Original Gravity calculation can now use boil size with evaporation rate instead of batch size when include evaporation rate is checked under equipment profile and batch target is fermenter. Click More next to the stats bar and find this under Equipment Profile.
Brew Session - Brew Log entry for Yeast Dump, amount collected will be subtracted from the packaging volume.
Inventory - Added default amount. New recipes will have these ingredients added by default with the amount set.
Inventory - Suggested Brews allows you to find public recipes from Brewer's Friend that have ingredients from your inventory. Only ingredients with an amount will be used.
Brew Session - Source and Target water matching recipe.
Recipe Builder - Removing yeast now removes custom attenuation.
Recipe Builder - Saving mashed checkbox on custom fermentables.
Recipe Builder - Hop total unit to match hop units if they are all the same.
Recipe Builder - New Priming Information block with CO2 Levels auto calc for priming volume based on style.
Recipe Builder - Yeast block now shows ABV along with FG see the affect that attenuation changes make.
Styles - Recommended CO2 Volume Levels.
Brew Session - Brew Log Dry Hopped event type.
Inventory - Bulk Edit amounts and units.
Recipe Builder - Using default hop type when selecting from inventory. Now recognizes hop type chosen in inventory.
Recipe View - Links to ingredient pages.
Ingredient Pages - Brands links and added recipe counts and caching for faster load times.
Recipe Builder - Moved inventory items to main ingredient dropdowns. Inventory items will appear at the top of the ingredient dropdown ending with the amount. You can now search for them and more easily use them in recipes.
Profile - Integrations generate new API key.
Profile - General Rounding Options.
Brew Sessions - Fermentation chart BPM for Plaato.
API Endpoints - Additional API stream fields for MyBrewBot and Fermentrack.
Recipe Builder - pH prediction showing with no water profile selected.
Recipe Builder - Inventory & Shopping custom brands now showing up prior to being approved.
Recipe View - can now show fermentation chart from multiple brew sessions.
Recipe Builder - water calc sometimes missing acid additions from the recipe.
Inventory & Shopping - now enter yeast temp in °F or °C.
Recipe Builder - drag and drop photos!
Devices - Plaato Wireless Airlock support.
Profile - Brand Settings turn off brands that do you use or care about.
Shopping List - option to hide mashed column in print view.
Brew Session - Brew Step
Cool wort down to ~70F / 20C
will now show the fermentation temp set in the Recipe Builder from the Yeast block.Recipe Builder - ability to add custom yeast.
Bar unit to keg carbonation calculator.
Ingredients - Complete list of Crisp and Briess malts to BF catalog.
Recipe Builder - hop temp placeholder value for Metric units.
Calculators - All grain calculator grain select now updates the calculator.
Recipe Import - yeasts with zero amount.
Recipe Import - grains category, country, type.
Brew Sessions - Device in-use for fermentation chart.
Recipe Builder - Other Ingredients units issue switching recipe units.
Brew Sessions - Brew Steps when all default steps are removed and only custom steps are being used.
My Recipes and My Brew Sessions - list dates missing after search.
Recipe Builder - & Water calc acid malts linking.
Recipe Builder - tooltips on question marks.
Recipe Builder - tooltip descriptions for hops and yeast dropdowns.
Inventory and Shopping - EBC to Lovibond conversion.
Inventory and Shopping - WK to Lintner conversion.
Inventory and Shopping - PPG conversion from extract percent.
General Settings - Diastatic Power equation. WK or Lintner (default).
Recipe Builder - option for Diastatic Power equation. WK or Lintner (default).
Brew Sessions - Fermentation chart annotation cards.
Brew Sessions - pH addition for fermentation device readings.
General Settings - hide fermentation chart tooltip.
Brew Sessions - Brew log entry packaging options, corny keg, ferkin, 1/6, 1/4 and 1/2 barrel kegs.
General Settings - for date format, more formats added.
Recipe Builder - save bar that now follows you down the page.
My Recipes and My Brew Sessions - folder sidebar collapse.
Recipe Print - left margin to leave room for hole punching.
Recipe Builder - gallon unit option for Other Ingredients.
Calculators - Water Calc gallon unit option for salts and acids.
Site Wide - Added Documentation URL to Community Menu.
Site Wide - Mobile navigation momentum scrolling.
SMaSH query in beer search.
Annotations on fermentation chart and brew log entries.
SRM Calculator to include all grains from Recipe Builder and ability to add unlimited grains.
All Grain OG Calculator to include all grains from Recipe Builder and ability to add unlimited grains.
Brewhouse Efficiency Calculator to include all grains from Recipe Builder and ability to add unlimited grains.
Color converter
Fermentation device chart readings with missing gravity or temp values.
Water Profile name on recipe view.
Using time format from general settings on date timestamps in account sections.
Other ingredients autocomplete.
Other ingredients user contributions from inventory/shopping.
User contributions show/hide option in general settings. defaults to hidden.
New dropdowns with autocomplete and search for ingredients on recipe builder.
Total yeast attenuation adjustment in recipe builder.
Export device readings to JSON or CSV from brew session fermentation tab.
API endpoint for device readings in JSON.
Additional time formats in general settings.
Introduced animals into the world, we believe they're going to be a neat addition.
Last updated
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